School Information
This section of the website contains information for prospective parents, current parents, and anyone that is interested in more information about Clayton-le-Woods Church of England Primary School.
Clayton-le-Woods CEP School offers a primary education for children up to the age of 11.
Our school is situated adjacent to Cuerden Valley Park and is in a beautiful location. There are two separate buildings for Infants and Juniors with three playgrounds and extensive fields and grounds.
The school has an admission number of 30.
Provision for the outdoor curriculum is a high priority for the school and this includes a Science Garden and Outdoor Classroom.
Each classroom is equipped with up to date technology and we are fortunate in the junior building to have touch sensitive televisions. Children throughout the school also have access to iPads to help support their learning.
We are continually improving our school environment to make Clayton-le-Woods CEP School a place where children can learn in stimulating, attractive surroundings.
We believe that we achieve the best for your children by close co-operation between home and school and we encourage parents to get involved in the life of the school.
At Clayton-le-Woods CEP School, every aspect of the school is underpinned by Christian Values.
All the staff strive to ensure that each child fulfills their potential in a caring, supportive environment where children are taught to think for themselves, have a voice and feel valued.
The children tell us that they enjoy school and learning. Opportunities are given through extra curricular clubs to enrich the curriculum and to allow the children to experience a wide range of activities. Provision is also made to extend the curriculum with educational visits and visitors to school.
There are strong links with parents who support the school through an enrichment programme and parent forum.