

Church Of England Primary School

RE and Collective Worship

As a Church of England School we are committed to the Christian ethos in our teaching of RE and across the curriculum,

in Collective Worship and throughout the general life of the school.


Please click here to take a look at our overview of RE and Statements of Intent for RE and Collective Worship 

The Importance of Collective Worship 

Collective worship and sharing time together is a crucial part of our broader school life. Our acts of collective worship reflect the vision, values and aims of our school.

Our worship openly places God at the centre of daily life in our Church of England School. Worship is a time when the whole school comes together as a family to focus on God and collectively feel, listen to, experience, celebrate and share.

It provides an opportunity for the school community to develop their own personal relationship with God. We also understand that children, and adults, are at different points in their own faith journey. Some children identify as having no religious faith and other children and their families have other faiths. Everyone is valued equally and diversity is celebrated.

Click below to see our worship plans for each half term:

Spring 1 2025

Autumn 2 2024

Autumn 1 2024

Summer 2 2024

Summer 1 2024

Spring 2 2024

Spring 1 2024

Autumn 2 2023

Autumn 1 2023


Saying prayers together is an important part of everyday life at Clayton-le-Woods. We say prayers at different times of the day - in worship, before lunch and before going home at the end of the day. During worship we also encourage the children to make up and say their own prayers so that they recognise that they can have their own conversations with God whenever they like – these often go along the lines of: thanking God for something, saying sorry for something and asking for help.


Throughout the year, we focus on key parables through Worship, RE, PSHE and other appropriate lessons.

This year, we will be learning about:

The Good Samaritan

The Prodigal Son

The Lost Sheep

The Wise & Foolish Men

The Mustard Seed

The Sower

Please click on each parable to share the story at home.


Take a look at some of the RE and Worship activities that take place in our school...

Our most recent RE Pause Day celebrated Pentecost. Classes worked in pairs to explore different aspects of the coming of the Holy Spirit.

During the RE Pause Day at the start of the school year each class explored one of our Christian values and produced two beautiful canvases to display in each building. They also listened to one of our parables and showed their learning in different ways. 

We enjoyed a visit from Imran Kotwal. He led a school assembly on the Five Pillars of Islam. Ask your children if they remember what they are? The children found out about important Muslim artefacts, ways of life and traditions. We also discovered that there are lots of similarities between Christianity and Islam. The KS2/ Junior classes had workshops to explore Islamic beliefs and practices in more detail.

Thank you Imran – we all learned a lot!

Our School Prayer

(written by the children's Collective Worship Council 2014)

Dear Lord,

 Thank you for our wonderful school.

Thank you for our friends who are cool.

Thank you for the teachers and people,

Who help us learn and treat us as equal.


Please help us learn and keep on growing,

Then our love will keep on glowing.

Help us to grow fruits of the Spirit,

So our school will have love in it.


Be with Silus and let him know,

We want his learning to grow and grow.

Keep us safe as we try to be,

The people that you want to see.


Who is Silus?

Through Compassion UK we sponsor a child called Silus. 

We write to him and he writes back as well as sending him money to help support his life and education.