Our Curriculum Vision is:
To immerse pupils in an ambitious and inspiring curriculum which enables them to flourish in learning throughout life as unique individuals.
As a school, we regularly and thoroughly review the curriculum we offer. We engage with our parents/carers, pupils, governors and the wider community to find out what our curriculum should look like.
We look at all aspects of school life and reflect on what the main aims for us, as a school are, to ensure we provide an outstanding curriculum, that is special to us, and that offers our children the very best experiences to ensure the highest possible outcomes.
To see what each class will be covering, click on the links to the left where you will find a curriculum map for the full year and backpacks of knowledge, skills, key vocabulary and key questions. Each year, as your child journeys through school, more and more will be added to their backpack of learning and experiences to enable them to flourish.
Overviews of Curriculum areas
The links below will open up overviews of each curriculum area taught in school, this will give you a detailed view of the different areas taught from EYFS to Year 6. Within each long term overview, you will be able to see how our schools' British and Christian values will be promoted and also included are our Statements of Intent where we set out the vision of each subject leader identifying the Intent, Implementation and Impact for their subject. For more information including the knowledge and skills and key vocabulary that will be covered take a look at the backpacks in each year groups curriculum pages. You can also take a look at a brief overview for each subject area that shows the journey through each curriculum area, our 'Growing in' documents. These show how our children will grow and flourish in their learning from Willow Class, all the way to Elder Class, developing in to strong and health individuals with threads of how they will develop in their spirituality during their time at Clayton-le-Woods CEP.
Our Curriculum |
History |
Music |
PE |
RE |
Science |