

Church Of England Primary School

Welcome to the Year 4 page

Your class teachers are Mrs Howlett (Monday), Miss Carr (Tuesday-Friday)

Mrs Bolton and Mrs Shorrock are our Learning Support Assistants

 In Year 4, we have an inspiring and creative curriculum which includes a variety of learning experiences both inside and outside of the classroom which encourage all children to achieve their full potential.

Each day, it is important that we think about, and demonstrate our Christian Values of Truthfulness, Courage, Respect, Friendship, Thankfulness and Forgiveness.  We look at these values daily through our work in PSHE, RE and in our class worships. 

If you have any queries regarding your child, please don’t hesitate to send us an email: 

Otherwise, if you wish to discuss any matter in depth, please feel free to arrange an appointment with us. 

Thank you for your ongoing support, we hope your child enjoys Year 4!

Year 4 Contact


To see coverage of the key skills we will be developing throughout this years' curriculum, please click here to see each term's key skills backpack!


Red Backpack | Clipart, Escuela

Year 4 writing targets

Important class information


Times Tables

In Year 4, children will complete a Times Tables, digital assessment during the summer term.

According to the national curriculum, by the end of Year 4, all children should 'be taught to recall multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12 x 12.' 

Children will be taught times tables in class but it is crucial that they practice regularly at home. We love to use Times Table Rockstars to support their learning: 

Times Tables Rock Stars!

Image result for rockstar times tables


Here are a few other websites that have games to help learn and practice times tables:

Hit the Button (Tablet Friendly)

Oxford Owl (Tablet Friendly)

Mission Times Table Challenge



PE is on a Tuesday afternoon and Thursday afternoon. Children are to come in their PE kits to school on these days.  


Home reading 

Children are taught their reading skills through guided reading and comprehensive skills workshops in school. However, daily home reading is hugely encouraged daily as this is extremely valuable to the children. We have introduced 'Accelerated Reader' as we like to encourage the children to read as much as possible - quizzing needs to be done within 24 hours of finishing a book.


Homework - Activity Passports

Each half term a selection of learning opportunities are sent through seesaw that enhance the learning that takes place in class.  They may include activities around geography or history and also include opportunities to further learning in Maths, English and Science. 

Additional Spelling Lists

Alongside learning spellings at home using spelling shed, we also teach the Read, Write Inc (RWI) approach to spelling in school.  On spelling shed, you have set for you the word lists for years 3 and 4 and Years 5 and 6 alongside the spelling rule from RWI which change every 2 weeks.  These are available throughout the year and should be accessed regularly.


In music, year 4 are very fortunate to receive whole class sessions with the very talented Mr Norton from the Lancashire Music Service. Throughout the year, the children will be taught how to play the ukulele - we look forward to showing you what we have learned. Children are encouraged to log on to Charanga to practice their new skills... click the image below to go straight to the pupil log in page on Charanga.


 Year 4 Mathematics targets