

Church Of England Primary School

 Welcome to Year 5 

Welcome to Year 5

Mr Howard - Teacher (Monday, Tuesday am, Thursday and Friday)

Mrs Townsend - Teacher (Wednesday)

Miss Bolton - Teaching assistant

Miss Wilcockson - Teaching assistant

 In Year 5, we have an inspiring curriculum which includes a variety of learning experiences both inside and outside of the classroom that aim to inspire in children a life-long love of learning.

In class, it is so important we think about and demonstrate our Christian Values of Truthfulness, Courage, Respect, Friendship, Thankfulness and Forgiveness.  We look at these values through our work in PSHE, RE and in our class worships.

We have a challenging yet exciting curriculum which includes: White Rose Maths and Times Table Rockstars! In English, we use 'Accelerated Reader', guided reading workshops and alongside this, we have a robust and engaging curriculum, consisting of a broad range of creative learning opportunities in addition to core learning within Science, Computing, PSHE, RE and PE (Wednesday and Friday  - kit to be worn on these days please.) Swimming will also take place in Year 5 from February until the end of the school year.

If you have any queries regarding your child, please don’t hesitate to send me an email on: or catch me on the playground, or call through the office.


Year 5 Contact

To see coverage of the key expertise and knowledge we will be developing throughout this years' curriculum, please click here to see each term's backpack.

Red Backpack | Clipart, Escuela



Times tables knowledge and reading expertise are vital for everyday living. In Year 5, we practice these often, but our favourite way to do this is to play 'Times Table Rockstars' and quiz our understanding of our texts using 'Accelerated Reader'...

Important information...  

Home Reading

I cannot stress enough the importance of reading at home every night!  I also think there is great value in parents/carers continuing to read to children even as they become confident and competent readers.  Children can change their books whenever they need.  Children are listened to throughout the week by the adults in class.  Mr Howard and Mrs Townsend listen to children during guided reading sessions which take place every day and there are also opportunities each afternoon during our focused reading time.

Take a quick look here at 10 top tips for when reading at home with your child.



 PE days are Wednesdays and Fridays, please attend school wearing the appropriate PE kit on these days.


Activity Passports

Each half term a selection of learning opportunities are sent through seesaw that enhance the learning that takes place in class.  They may include activities around geography or history and also include opportunities to further learning in maths, English and science. 

Additional Spelling Lists

Alongside learning spellings at home using spelling shed, we also teach the Read, Write Inc approach to spelling in school.  On spelling shed, you have set for you the word lists for years 3 and 4 and Years 5 and 6 alongside the spelling rule from RWI which change every 2 weeks.  These are available throughout the year and should be accessed regularly.


Times Tables 

In year 5, times tables knowledge is a crucial part of calculations and children should have a good understanding of all tables up to 12x12. 

Alongside Times Tables Rockstars, here are a few websites that have games to help learn and practise times tables:

Hit the Button  (Tablet Friendly)


Oxford Owl  (Tablet Friendly) 

Mission Times Table Challenge