Welcome to Year 6
Your teaching team are: Mr. Kay, Mrs. Walsh and Mr Molloy.
It is my job to provide precious learning experiences for children to achieve their full potential at all levels whilst ensuring children have an enjoyment of learning and their emotional needs are met.
Each day, children are encouraged to uphold the school's Christian ethos through the teaching and modelling of our Christian values; courage, respect, friendship, forgiveness, truthfulness and thankfulness.
If you have any queries regarding your child please don’t hesitate to send me an email on k.kay@clayton-le-woods.lancs.sch.uk
Otherwise, if you wish to discuss any matter in depth please feel free to arrange an appointment with myself.
In class, we will be using Read, Write Inc each week where we will focus on different spelling rules. Spelling homework will be sent home each week via Spelling Shed.
Recommended reads for Year 6
Have a look at this site which has a range of suggested books that are suitable for 10 and 11 year olds.
Love Reading 4 Kids also has a lot of recommended reads - often with chapter 1 available to download.
Homework is given out on a Friday and is due in on the following Wednesday. If you need help, there is a homework club on Monday, Wednesday and Friday in Year 6.
Spelling and times tables are set every Thursday and need to be completed within the week.
Useful websites:
Accelerated Reader
Maths Revision:
Our Curriculum:
Please click on the read backpack to find out what we are learning during the first half of the Autumn Term.
Our Time Table:
Our Key Learning this year:
These are the learning objectives which will be taught this year:
These are the standards the children will be judged against in Science this year:
These are the learning objectives which will be taught this year:
These are the standards which the children writing will be judged against this year:
Fair Trade Learner Audit