

Church Of England Primary School


Clayton-le-Woods CE Primary School seeks to ensure that all its pupils receive a full-time education which maximises opportunities for each pupil to realise their true potential. At Clayton-le-Woods CE, we strive to provide a welcoming, caring environment, whereby each member of the school community feels included and secure. All school staff will work with pupils and their families to ensure each pupil attends school regularly and punctually. To meet these objectives Clayton-le-Woods CE Primary School will establish an effective and efficient system of communication with pupils, parents and appropriate agencies to provide mutual information, advice and support. 



Pupils can come into school from 8.40am and the school day starts promptly at 8.50 a.m. If a child arrives at school after 8.50 a.m. without prior arrangements having been agreed, he/she will be deemed late. Arrival at school after this time, will be recorded as late. Pupils arriving at school after 8.50 a.m. must report to the school office to be signed in by an adult. Registers are also taken when the children return to classes after lunch. Unexplained absences will be investigated by the attendance team.


‘Attendance is EVERYBODY’S responsibility’


What is expected of the pupils?

  • To respect themselves and others

  • To do all they can to attend school regularly and punctually

  • To inform a trusted adult if they feel anxious or worried in school

  • To encourage friendship and a sense of belonging to their peers

  • To be happy and encourage others to feel happy


What is expected of parents/ carers?

  • To keep requests for their child to be absent to a minimum

  • To offer a reason, or medical proof, for any period of absence, preferably before the absence or on the first day of absence

  • To ensure that their child arrives at school on time. A reason should be offered for any lateness

  • To work closely with the school and Attendance Service (AS) to resolve any problems that may impede a child’s attendance

  • To take family holidays during school holiday periods and be aware that requests for holidays during term time will be refused except in special/exceptional circumstances.

  • To support their child and recognise their successes and achievements


As part of Lancashire Local Authority, we work closely with the School Attendance Support Team to ensure that all children are attending school regularly. We also have an attendance team within our schools, consisting of Mrs Bashora (Head Teacher),  Mrs Howlett (SENDCo) and Mrs Birkinshaw (Office Admin). Please talk to any of our team if you have concerns about your child's attendance. 


Please find our Attendance Policy here

Is my child too ill for school?

It can be tricky deciding whether or not to keep your child off school when they're unwell.

There are government guidelines here for parents about managing specific infectious diseases at GOV.UK. These say when children should be kept off school and when they shouldn't. In particular, if your child has had a bout of sickness or diarrhoea, they must remain at home for 48 hours after the last episode.  

If you do keep your child at home, it's important to phone school on the first day. Please let us know that your child won't be in and the reason before 9am so that we do not need to ring parents/carers. 

If your child is well enough to go to school but has an infection that could be passed on, such as a cold sore or head lice, please let their teacher know.

Absence requests

It is a legal requirement for parents/carers to obtain the permission of the headteacher before removing their child from school.. Parents do not have an automatic right to take their children out of school for holidays during term time.

Parents wishing to apply for their child to be granted leave from school should complete this form and return it to school for consideration before booking and well in advance of the proposed leave. Upon receipt of a request the headteacher will make a decision as to whether to authorise the absence, being mindful of government regulations and LA guidance. The legislation only allows the Headteacher to authorise such leave in special or exceptional circumstances. By definition, special or exceptional trips should not occur regularly. 

For leave of more than 10 school days in duration, or when school have concerns about the leave request, the Headteacher or their representative will arrange to meet with you to discuss your application.

Absence request form


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We expect all of our children to achieve at least a 97% attendance percentage each year.  However, we know that there can sometimes be exceptional reasons why children cannot attend school, such as illness.

At Clayton-le-Woods CE Primary School, we will listen, understand, empathise and provide support when children are unable to attend school – however we will not tolerate poor attendance and will always be proactive in helping our families to improve this, enabling children to return to the classroom as soon as possible.
