

Church Of England Primary School

SIAMS inspection

Our most recent SIAMS inspection was in February 2023.


Click here to see the full report


During a SIAMS inspection the inspector collects evidence to answer the question: How effective is the school’s distinctive Christian vision, established and promoted by leadership at all levels, in enabling pupils and adults to flourish?

The inspector concluded that both the impact of collective worship and the effectiveness of religious education (RE) were both good and therefore our overall grade is good.

We were so pleased that the inspector recognised many of our strengths stating: 

'Pupils and adults flourish because the school community understands and lives out the distinctive Christian vision. The nurture for all pupils, especially the most vulnerable, is of a very high quality.'

'...the school is a happy, safe place to work and learn. Leaders are totally committed to the vision and are positive role models to pupils and staff. Within the school community, it
promotes not only their children’s academic learning, but also in their development as good citizens.'

'... behaviour across school is of a high standard and pupils are welcoming and polite. Pupils have positive attitudes towards difference and diversity, whilst treating those who are different to
themselves with dignity and respect.'

'Through imaginative exploration of Jesus and the Bible, worship is invitational, inclusive and at times moving for everyone involved. This reflects the essence of the school’s vision and associated values. A positive impact can also be seen in the joyous singing that is clearly a passion for all. Pupils enjoy sharing their thoughts and ideas in this safe environment and are invited to take part in moments of reflection and prayer.'

'All pupils make good progress in RE as a result of a rich and engaging curriculum. RE is led well through learning that is carefully planned and sequenced. Pupils’ biblical knowledge supports their ability to recall and make links between their prior and current learning. Big questions provide an effective enquiry approach to challenge pupils’ thinking. This enriches the high quality of teaching. The creative curriculum enables all pupils to flourish, including those with special needs and/or disabilities.'